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Tax Perks of Owning a Home

Home Ownership. Part of the American Dream. Paying taxes each year. Part of the American Reality. The good news is that there are tax perks of owning a home. Where those two paths cross – home ownership and your taxes — are some tax perks you want to be sure you...

Make 2021 Free of Tax Issues

With 2020 finally in the rear view mirror, make 2021 free of tax issues and take care of one last piece of 2020 business before you say goodbye for good – your 2020 taxes and those lingering tax issues. Tax Day is back to April 15th in 2021, so there is still time to...

Year-End Tax Tips for 2020

With the end of the year in sight, here are a few year-end tax tips to help reduce your 2020 tax bill. Deductions – With changes to the deduction threshold, it pays to know what your itemized deductions will be versus the standard deduction. Obviously, if your...

IRS Notice Do’s and Don’ts

IRS Notice Do’s & Don’ts With levy and garnishment notices making their way to mailboxes across the area, more and more taxpayers are getting the dreaded letter from the IRS. Here are some quick IRS notice do’s and don’ts if you find yourself on the...

Time’s Up! The IRS is Unleashed

Time’s Up! The IRS is Unleashed! Yes, you read that right. After what you could call a ‘COVID hiatus,’ the IRS is back on the hunt, sending out IRS notices, looking to collect what is theirs. And they are looking to collect it from you. A batch of Intent to levy...